Technical (Virtual) Event / Bucharest / 8th of March 2021 / 09:00-11:00 EET

Registration – Closed 

Han Wang / Emerging Low Dimensional Material Electronic Devices for Memory and Computing

Low dimensional materials offer a rich array of unique physical properties that are promising for developing a new generation of electronic devices for beyond von-Neumann computing hardware. In this talk, I will discuss our recent work in developing atomically-thin resistive memory devices based on low dimensional materials that can achieve ultralow power operation at the sub-femtojoule level. Our work on developing low dimensional material based phase transition oscillatory neuronal devices will also be discussed. Due to their atomically confined geometry, such oscillatory devices exhibit pronounced stochastic feature with dynamically tunable distribution parameters closely resembling biological neuron spiking. Furthermore, the demonstration of the low power hardware implementation of new computing schemes such as Boltzmann machine and stochastic Hopfield network based on these novel devices will be presented.

Philippe Leray / Dimensional metrology overview, trends and upcoming challenges
